Studio Policy —

 Suzuki Hub Studio Policy

We hope you will have a wonderful time at Suzuki Hub without any problems with boring things like money or punctuality. Please read this in advance of starting your lessons in order to minimize the possibility of running into difficulties. Thanks!

Lesson cancellations:

You are offered 34 private lessons and 33 group sessions a year plus two concerts which are charged at the same rate as a week of groups each - a Solo Concert in Spring and the Groups Concert in Summer.  If your teacher is unable to make one of your private lessons, they will offer you a catch-up lesson at another time. If this is during catch-up week you must be available at your usual time otherwise forfeit the lesson. If your teacher needs to catch up more than one lesson that they have missed, they will try and find a good time with you but if they can’t, they will refund you the lesson fee. There are catch-up weeks on the end of most terms so please keep your private lesson times free until the end of each Suzuki Hub term (listed on our website). In some cases catch up lessons may be available online but this must be agreed with your teacher and they have the right to request an in-person lesson rather than an online lesson. In most cases they will be flexible.

If you are unable to attend the Solo Concert you would normally be allocated to you are welcome to change the day by liaising with us in advance. All students are expected to perform in the Groups Concert each Summer term, and you pay a week of groups towards this concert even if you cannot attend. This is one of the highlights of the Suzuki Hub year and we hope all our students will attend.

If you are unable to attend your private lesson you can try to swap your child with another student so you won’t lose the lesson.  However, if this is not possible, you will still have to pay for your missed lesson and you won’t be offered a catch-up lesson. Your teacher will have to be at the Hub whether you are there or not, so it’s not fair to expect them to be there without being paid. Please give your teacher as much notice as possible if you can’t attend a lesson, and if possible arrange an online lesson rather than missing it entirely. You must give your teacher at least 24 hours notice if you need an online lesson rather than an in-person lesson.

If you miss a group lesson you are welcome to come to a group lesson on a different day in order to catch it up.  If this is not possible no refunds will be given. If you want a catch-up group please contact Kate Conway on

Coming to your lessons:

Please make sure that you arrive at Suzuki Hub in good time to take your children to the loo, wash their hands, etc before their lesson time.  If you are having a lesson online please make sure you are ready a couple of minutes before your actual lesson time. This will enable your children to start their lessons in a calm and relaxed way ready for good learning.  String players please make sure your children have short fingernails. If you are having an online lesson please set up the room so both you and the child can be seen in the frame, and make sure the child is not backlit. The ideal setup is for the laptop or device to be quite high up, with the child right in front and you sitting behind them and slightly to one side.

Please turn your phone off during all lessons at Suzuki Hub.  Mobile phones should not be used during lessons if at all avoidable.  Please tell your teacher if you are waiting for a call you need to take and do so outside of the teaching room. Please take lesson notes in a notebook rather than on your phone.

Please give your kids your full attention during their private and group lessons.  You are their home teacher and they will appreciate seeing that you are learning as much as they are during their lessons.  You are responsible for your child’s safety at Suzuki Hub, do not leave your child unattended without checking with a staff member first. Even if a staff member is happy for you to leave them unattended briefly, we cannot be in loco parentis and you do this at your own risk. Please give your children headphones if they are going to be on tablets or phones in the foyer.

If you have a problem with how your teacher handles something in the lesson, please talk to them about it first, and then contact Kate Conway if it cannot be resolved.


All group lessons are paid for by direct debit through GoCardless. We strongly recommend spreading the cost of your lessons equally over 12 months. If you prefer to pay termly, you will be charged for the whole term, six weeks before the start of the term. For private lessons you will need to pay in advance for half a term at a time, or pay monthly by standing order. If you decide to leave Suzuki Hub you will need to give your private teacher and Suzuki Hub admin at least six weeks’ notice. If you decide not to come for lessons during this time you will still need to pay for this time.

If you find it hard to pay for your Suzuki lessons, or are worried about whether or not you can afford them, please contact us as we have various different reductions available for families on low incomes, and families with more than one child learning with us.

London Suzuki Group Membership:

All our students must be members of the LSG, who subsidise our big events and support us with help for our bursary programme. They offer access to other events such as concerts, playtogethers, solo opportunities, and workshops. You can find out more and sign up here.

Photo and Video Permission:

All students at Suzuki Hub may have their images used for marketing and teacher training purposes. If you have specific requirements around your child’s image and how it may be used please email Kate about it. Otherwise please be reassured that your child will never have their full name revealed in compliance with best practise for our students’ safety. You can see our online safety policy here.